The Grupo Especializado de Coloides e Interfases (GECI) of the Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) and the Real Sociedad Española de Física (RSEF), and the Grupo de Colóides, Polímeros e Interfaces of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ) are pleased to announce the IX Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces (RICI IX) to be held on July 10-13th 2022 at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain.
After the break imposed by the COVID-19 pandemics the Reunión Ibérica de Coloides e Interfases/Reunião Ibérica de Colóides e Interfaces IX (RICI IX) organized by the Grupo de Física de Coloides y Polímeros of USC aims to meet again Spanish and Portuguese chemists, physicists, biologists and engineers sharing interests in colloids and interfaces science and technology, by promoting discussion of the most recent advancements and the future perspectives of the related fields and boostering scientific and technical cooperation and collaboration not only between Portuguese and Spanish scientists but also at a broader international level; thereby, researchers from all parts of the world are also welcome.
RICI IX offers a scientific program covering state-of-the-art topics in colloids and interfaces science in the form of plenary and invited lectures, together with scientific communications (talks and posters). The conference topics will cover both theoretical and experimental concepts and technological and industrial applications of surface and colloidal science as
- (Bio)colloids, Nanoparticles and Vesicles
- Surfaces, Interfaces, Films and Coatings
- Surfactants, Polymers, Foams, Emulsions, Liquid Crystals, Polymer Gels, Colloidal Gels and Glasses
- Active Matter, Advanced Engineered Nano/Micro-Materials, and Nano/Microdevices
- Theory and Computational Modeling of Complex Fluids, Colloids and Soft Matter Systems
- Experimental Methods and Techniques in Colloid and Interface Science
- Pharmaceutical, Biomedical, Biotechnological and Food Applications of Colloidal- and Interfacial-based Nano/Microsystems and Materials
- Colloids and Surfaces in Energy and Environmental Technologies
In the framework of the Jacobean Holy Year 2022, on behalf of the organizing committee I would like to cordially invite you to participate in this meeting. We are looking forward to seeing you in Santiago de Compostela shortly!
Pablo Taboada, Conference Chair
Santiago de Compostela, 10-13 July 2022